The Natomas Joint Vision Plan and associated planning efforts for County lands outside of the North Natomas community and northwest of the City of Sacramento have been in process for several decades. This collaborative, complex, multi-agency planning effort first started in the 1990’s as the Northwest Special Planning Area Master Plan, resulting in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Sacramento and Sacramento County in 2002 to ensure cooperation between the two agencies.

The Upper Westside Area encompasses approximately 2,083 acres adjacent to the existing communities of North and South Natomas. The Area is bounded by Interstate 80 to the south and east, Garden Highway to the west, and the Sacramento City limits to the north. Across the Sacramento River to the west is Yolo County, where parcels are designated for Agriculture (AG) on the Yolo County General Plan and zoned Agricultural Intensive (A-N). The Sacramento Bypass Wildlife Area channel connects west to the main Yolo Bypass channel, which provides floodway relief for the Sacramento River via the Fremont Weir structure.

This community has a lot of potentials!